Do we take seriously what a precious gift that is? Do we treasure it as the greatest treasure? Do we delight to have it in our hands — the very words of God?
As I write this devotional, I am being carried away in my own imagination – I hope you are too.
I am picturing a woman in a simple white cotton dress with wispy curls framing her face – a face that is bursting with joy, excitement and delight with a smile so big you know it goes down to her very soul. She is dancing. She is dancing with delight. What is that she’s holding in her arms? Yes, I see it – she is clinging to her Bible, pressed to her breast with both arms yet I can see it. It is a well-worn, well-used Bible.
Oh, the image – it is obvious that every hour she has spent enduring, abiding and feeding on the Word has resulted in the tattered pages of that Book and that a divine exchange has taken place.
She was once broken and tattered, weary and worn. Her Bible filled with grace and truth, and beauty and power, and joy and treasures. Over time her Bible has become worn and tattered from much use, and she has become a radiant reflection of the Son.
Sisters – that does not happen through duty but delight. That does not happen by “doing devotions” but by being devoted. That does not happen by simply reading the Scriptures but by abiding in the Word.
Press on, beloved. Seek hard after Him. Endure, seek, and pursue Him through His Word. It is never too late to start or to start again.
Do you hear Christ calling your name? He’s inviting you to join Him, to sit at His feet, to abide with Him in the Word. Come join the dance of delight….