He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

Posted on March 31, 2024 by Elizabeth Welte in Victory Call

Good Friday & Easter go hand-in-hand. Let’s continue onto why Easter is so important:


Over 2,000 years ago God the Father sent His son Jesus to be born of a virgin (at Christmas) and die a criminal’s death so that humans would be able to FREELY accept the gift of salvation and have a direct relationship with Him. None of this would have been possible if Jesus decided to disobey His Father and walk away.


Ever hear the phrase “Everything happens for a reason”? Well, this is one of those instances. EVERYTHING happened for a reason. In Friday’s post, I talked about the events leading up to and including Jesus’ death. It all HAD TO happen that way and in that order for Isaiah’s prophesy to be fulfilled – so that you and I could live eternally in Heaven.


But here’s the BEST PART –


Jesus didn’t stay in that grave! 3 days after He was buried, He rose & overcame death itself! (The Resurrection) THIS – THIS is why eternal life is possible! THIS is why we celebrate Easter. THIS is its TRUE MEANING.


As Believers we serve a loving, kind, ALIVE Savior who wants an intimate & personal relationship with each one of us. He cares THAT MUCH. But that’s not possible unless we accept His FREE GIFT of salvation; made possibly by His death & resurrection. (We get to have joy that when we die as humans, we become new beings in Heaven!)


If you’d like to accept Jesus’ FREE GIFT of salvation, to make Him Lord & Savior of your life, we’d love to speak with you! Call us at (800) 453-7942. DON’T WASTE ANOTHER MINUTE!!!



Written by Elizabeth Welte: Elizabeth is currently serving as Keswick’s Marketing Director. She is married to Dr. Bill Welte’s son Zach, who serves in Keswick’s AV Department. She is an advanced violinist; playing for 20+ years. She also rides & jumps horses in her spare time.

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Consider a retreat at America’s Keswick retreat center.


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