The alcohol was keeping him from a rich relationship with God. It was keeping all of us from the destiny God had prepared for us. God had a future planned for us. The plan was good and was filled with hope. (Jer. 29:11) I believe God allowed things to get so bad that Glenn had those four months available without any work to go to.
Months before God had told me I would not have to go through this anymore. I didn’t know how but whatever it would take, I was ready.
Glenn entered Keswick in March of 2008. The Spirit of God began to work. I have a journal of his time at Keswick that is marked with anger, resentment, bitterness, tears of fear, worry, then tears of praise, joy, thanksgiving and more praise. While at Keswick Glenn was fed the Word, the Word, the Word. The things of the world did not distract him; he was set apart from the world for those four precious months. Our Pastor, his wife and a team of intercessors faithfully prayed for Glenn and me. I joined the Women of Character and through that was directed into the Word, the Word, the Word. I believe the Word is true. The Word is never returned void. The Word began to tear into that huge monster stone that was literally killing Glenn and our marriage.
Passover came on April 19. I cleaned our home and asked the Lord to clean Glenn and me. The intercessors and I proclaimed the power of the blood of Jesus our Passover Lamb who paid the price so that death had to pass over.
Death did pass over. Soon after when I saw Glenn he told me that he wanted Jesus to fully be Lord of his life, not just his Savior. He understood the difference. Praise God!! He was making progress. On June 8, 2008, we celebrated Pentecost and with all of my heart I believe the Word washed Glenn and that stone broke into tiny pieces. When he came home in July he was one new man, filled with the Word of Truth and committed to staying faithful to the reading of the Word. There continues to be no greater joy for me than seeing my husband reading and walking in the Truth.