Isaiah 61:10 (NLT)
“I am overwhelmed with joy in the LORD my God!”
Many times my parents tell me I can sell anything. What happens is, I feel strongly about something and then it turns into a passion of mine and it just pours out. I really do get excited about what I am doing and I guess it rubs off on people.
When I was teaching for a while, I would come into class sooo excited about the new lesson or project I had for my students and they would ask me if I stayed up all night planning this event. They thought I was crazy for being so excited about school work. But I loved what I was doing!
What are you passionate about? Now I know not everyone is a salesperson and we all do not have the passionate drive about the same things. Ask me about my kids, my husband, or my home and I could go on for hours. I would end up getting so excited that you would probably walk away and tell me that I am a little nuts!
If someone were to ask me about the Lord would I be so excited? When people see me walking, talking, and interacting with others can they see the passion for my Lord? I need to ask all of us this question. What are we passionate about? Can people see the passion fruit growing in our lives?
The Bible tells us to be overwhelmed with joy in the LORD my God, excited, passionate are part of this too.
If someone met you today, would they see passion, deep-rooted love, excitement in your life, and would your life show the passion fruit that we are to bear? No time for gloomy faces and gloomy lives….we need to be excited about our Lord for the days are numbered.
Written by Lynn Wilson: Lynn is a full time working mom and wife. She lives and works at America’s Keswick for over 20 years with her family. Lynn and her husband have served as a team in ministry and have a heart to see the Lord’s people rise up and serve in their local church, In addition….Lynn is a speaker for women’s events and conferences.