The Ethnic Barrier- “For Jews do not associate with Samaritans” John 4:9. Is this barrier prevalent in our day? Before all that has been done to breakdown this barrier in our country, Jesus already was tearing down this wall.
The Sin Barrier- “The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband” John 4:18. Jesus did not consider this woman’s sin worse than others but don’t we tend to think the sin of others is somehow worse than our own? Considering the event I attended last week, it is easy to feel for the victim. Yet, is there grace and mercy for the pimp, the abuser, the one who is just as lost in sin but happens to be on the other side of the equation?
The Religious Barrier- “You Samaritans worship what you do not know, we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews” John 4:22. Those who are deceived by false religions are those whom Christ died for. His heart is for all who are lost. Whatever the “ism”, Jesus is still the Way and the Truth.
Jesus is still crossing these barriers today. Perhaps some of these barriers were crossed to bring you to Him? Aren’t you glad that He reached across to you and offered you living water?