Stop. Pause. Pray.
Posted on January 1, 2024 by Elizabeth Welte in Victory Call
Hello and welcome to 2024! As we reflect on 2023 and look ahead to 2024, I’m excited about the new year, the hopes and dreams, and the possibilities that come with it. Hopefully, we have learned some lessons from last year and have grown in our walk with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and are ready to embrace whatever God has in store for us with thankful hearts.
As we anticipate new things, make lists of what we want to accomplish, and set goals for ourselves, let’s not get ahead of God. God’s plans for our lives can be much different than our plans, and when we expect them to happen just as we planned, and they don’t, we are let down and can feel like we failed. I don’t know about you, but my plans seldom turn out how I thought they would. God’s ways are always better anyway.
We sometimes think we know best, but, news flash, we don’t. A common thread for many of us is that we seem busier and busier, and there doesn’t seem to be an end. We have to be intentional about planning downtime and time to rest by planning not to make plans. Planning downtime has proved to be challenging for me, and I haven’t been very successful.
So, my prayer for you and me is that we stop the busy, pause before we say yes to something, and pray about our calendar and how we fill it. And schedule a day or a partial day of rest – a Sabbath. As for our lists – what would happen if we pray over our lists and ask God to lead and guide us with what He wants us to accomplish? I’m sure some of you are already doing this regularly, and I hope to be more consistent in making this a habit. When we give it all to God, we can live out Ephesians 2:10 (NKJV): “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Don’t you want to be available and present for the interruptions He puts in our day (in the form of people or schedule changes, etc.)? Let’s not miss out on those opportunities.
Anchored to the One Who is Faithful Through the Ages,
Written by Karen Rigby: Karen has been coming to Keswick for over 25 years, has been on staff twice in Accounts Payable, and currently serves in the Partner Care Department. She has two grown children and two grandchildren. Karen enjoys mentoring women, women’s Bible study, and volunteering at her church. If you want to reach out, you can contact her at
Think About This: “The thing for us to do is to pray without ceasing; once having come into the presence of God, never to leave it; to abide in His presence and to live, steadily, unbrokenly, continuously, in the midst of whatever distractions or trials, with and in Him…” ― Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield
The Daily Bible Reading: Psalm 1. You can download our 2024 Daily Bible Reading Plan by clicking here.
This Week’s Verse to Memorize: “For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” Zephaniah 3:17 (NLT)