A Virtuous Woman who can Find?
So, are you like me… when you read about this woman you think – IMPOSSIBLE! I would like to take a few victory calls to really look at this woman and how we can become like her in character. Let me start right off by saying that this is a LIFELONG PURSUIT!
First, take some time with me now to look at the background to this Proverb. King Lemuel received this Proverb from his mother, in the form of mothers’ Godly wisdom. I would like to believe that this is her counsel to her son in what he is to look for in a wife. All mothers want their sons to find the “right” woman. What we specifically know is that this is an Oracle from God. God is using a mother to teach a son – a very important role of mothers. What we don’t know is if this is a direct quote or a summary of what she taught him, but that does not really matter – what matters is what he is told.
You may read it and say… how can I apply that to me today? Well, of course it is written and packed within the culture of the time, we need to look at the virtues described and put them into today’s context. We must read it to unwrap the characteristics and conduct of the woman, rather than looking at what she is “doing”. Yes, we are describing a married woman however; unmarried women can learn what characteristics to develop now as she is preparing for marriage.
Let’s think about the word Virtuous for a moment. Today, you might describe her as a strong woman, a worthy woman or a noble woman. This woman is compared to Rubies which are the most precious of gemstones and can be more expensive than diamonds. A Ruby is harder than any stone, except for diamonds. A Virtuous Woman is a jewel – beautiful, valuable and durable. Just like diamonds, we learn here that “she is hard to find”. Ladies, that means that being Virtuous doesn’t come naturally – just like the making of precious stones it takes time, energy and work.
Ruth was one woman described as having noble character in scripture – read her story it may give you some insight into some of the characteristics we will be studying. Proverbs 12:4 tells us “a woman of noble character is her husbands crown”, wow ladies we can be a “crown”. Take some time and read about her, each verse is divided into two parts (vs. 15 has three). We will break down each verse to look at the characteristics and conduct described – as you read try to look at it from that angle and perspective.
Written by Lynne Jahns: Lynne is currently the Director of Barbara’s Place, the addiction recovery for women at America’s Keswick.