Discovering Victory Podcast – July 2015 Edition

Posted on July 1, 2015 by Graeme Wilson in Discovering Victory

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Discovering Victory is now on YouTube!  

Check this month’s Discovering Victory Podcast with speaker Rev. David Epstein! Dave is the Senior Pastor of the historic Calvary Baptist Church in New York City. He will be one of our speakers again this summer during our Summer Week #4 Bible conference which runs from August 2-7. He’ll also be joined that week with Rev. Chris Thompson, a Colony of Mercy graduate who now serves as a Pastor in England.

Podcast Speaker:

Rev. David Epstein, Calvary Church, NYC

Podcast Hosts:

Graeme Wilson, Director of Marketing |
Dr. Bill Welte, President & CEO |

The “Real” Walking Dead
That was me and that was or is you depending upon where you stand with Christ.It’s God’s before and after description or how He sees us before and after a super-natural transformation begins to take place. The truth is we “ALL” have started off very badly, spiritually, morally, and relationally, it’s the ending that hangs in the balance. So what’s your story, do you know how it will end? Rev. Dave Epstein of Calvary Chapel in NYC shares at America’s Keswick about the good, the bad, and the perfect Christian. Who? Exactly the point…Check it out.

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