Discovering Victory Podcast | April 2016 Edition
Posted on April 1, 2016 by Graeme Wilson in Discovering Victory

Thank you for joining us for this month’s Discovering Victory Podcast.
As we enter the month of April, we are thrilled to talk about our exciting upcoming spring and summer events like our Family Freedom Walk and Memorial Day Weekend.
During this month’s podcast, you’ll hear Graeme Wilson and Dr. Bill Welte’s meaningful discussion on a special message from Dr. Woodrow Kroll. Kroll served as President and Senior Bible Teacher for Back to the Bible from 1990-2013. An author of more than 50 books, Dr. Kroll’s passion is to increase Bible literacy in America. His clear, incisive teaching of the Word keeps him in high demand as a national and international speaker.
The message that will be shared with you today was recorded over two years ago during one of our summer conferences, but it could not be timelier! This year, our summer theme is “Tomorrowland: Facing the Future with Confidence” and Dr. Kroll speaks on just that.
Listen as we learn more about what it takes to go to heaven first-class and the importance of trusting in the Lord; even when we can’t fully understand His plan for us.
We hope this month’s podcast will be a blessing to you and will help you discover trust, hope and confidence in your own life.
Please email your questions to
If this message was a blessing to you we hope you’ll “like” and “share” this podcast with your friends and family. Thank you and God bless!
Podcast Hosts:
- Graeme Wilson, Director of Marketing |
- Dr. Bill Welte, President & CEO |
Podcast Speaker:
- Dr. Woodrow Kroll, served as President and Senior Bible Teacher for Back to the Bible from 1990-2013
Dr. Woodrow Kroll will be sharing during our 2016 Memorial Day Weekend conference May 27 – 30th, click here to learn more.