Posted on June 22, 2017 by Graeme Wilson in Victory Call
As I recently heard of the tragic and unexpected death of a young man, my mind pondered the age-old question – why?
For most of us, some circumstance will arise in our life that leave us looking heavenward, seeking answers. Sometimes, the answers come. Sometimes we wait a very long time, but as time goes by we begin to get a glimpse of why something happened. Or at least see how God used it in some fashion to bring about the salvation of a loved one, or glory for His name.
And then there are things that never make sense. We never see a reason. We don’t see how God works it to good. But we have to cling to the promise that He does.
The story of Job is one most of us are familiar with. He suffers the loss of wealth, possessions, children, and at best, lack of support from his wife. His friends seemingly support him, but then basically tell him there must be sin in his life which has caused his tragedy. Ultimately, even though he questions God, he chooses to place his trust in the One who made and holds together the universe. Even if we could have the conversation Job had with God, I believe we’d end up saying with Job, “Thou he slay me, yet will I hope in him.” (Job 13:15)
Music has always ministered to me. And as I pondered these things, the chorus of this old song by Scott Wesley Brown came to my mind. If you’re facing a situation without answers, may these words encourage you today.
You have faced the mountains of desperation
You have climbed, you have fought, you have won
But this valley that lies coldly before you
Casts a shadow you cannot overcome
And just when you’ve thought you had it all together
You knew every verse to get you through
But this time all the sorrow broke more than just your heart
And reciting all those verses just won’t do
Chorus: When answers aren’t enough, there is Jesus
He is more than just an answer to your prayer
And your heart will find a safe and peaceful refuge
When answers aren’t enough, He is there
Instead of asking why did it happen
Think of where it can lead you from here
And as your pain is slowly easing, you can find a greater reason
To live your life triumphant through the tears
Are you facing a situation today without any answers? Cling to the assurance that He IS there. He sees, He hears, He knows – and He is there.
Ruth Schmidt