What Are We Missing?
Posted on May 15, 2015 by Graeme Wilson in Victory Call
You and I have both heard stories of amazing works of God in the lives of others. We have heard stories of amazing faith in the face of great trials and suffering
Are you blessed and “jealous” as the same time, as I am?
Do you ask – “Why do I not see such amazing works in my life?” “Why does my faith look weak and puny compared to another?”
I know I have.
Have I seen God’s hand in my life? Absolutely! Have I experienced inexplicable things that have God’s fingerprints all over them? Yes, I have – but why do I not experience that more often? Could it because of my own unbelief?
“And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief.” Mt 13:58
What might we be missing out on because of our unbelief? I want all that God wants to give me. Don’t you?
“Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.” Mark 9:24
Blessings, Diane
Diane Hunt is a Biblical Counselor, Women’s conference and retreat speaker and author. She serves as the Director of Partner Care and Director of Women’s Ministries at America’s Keswick. She and her husband John have two married children and four grandchildren. She loves reveling in warm sunny climates and playing with her grandchildren.