Timing is Everything
Posted on January 20, 2016 by Graeme Wilson in Victory Call
This past summer I attended my niece’s birthday party and it was quite amusing to see how the adults liked playing outdoors more than the kids did. We grabbed old clotheslines and phone cords to make our own jump ropes and started a double dutch competition.
My turn came and, sadly, my lack of skills became quite apparent because I never mastered double dutch jumping as a little girl. I’m a great turner and I have amazing form outside the rope, but I just can’t quite get the timing right on the jump in. Jumping rope is all about the timing. Too fast or too slow and you’ll trip the rope and possibly get snapped in the face.
With God you find a similar principle at play. God’s timing is everything. His purpose has a specific order and speed. Sometimes He says “yes, move forward: and at other times He says “please wait.” And still at other times He flat out says “no sister, not now, not ever!” And if you learn to hear and heed His responses to your questions and requests, you fare better in the long run.
Seeking to always be in the center of His will allows you to ride the tide of His movements and ensure you steer clear of danger or defeat. It’s the perfect timing found in the center of the rope that keeps you from getting needlessly snapped in the face by life.
Perhaps you have a question or concern before the Lord right now. Perhaps you feel hesitant to make a move or you feel anxious about sitting still.
Trust He is able to guide you and prepare you for action at the appropriate time. And don’t be fooled, stillness and waiting is not inaction, it’s obedience.
Diera Mendez
Diera Shaw-Mendez is a minister and youth leader at New Beginnings Worship Center, Pennsauken, NJ, and works full-time for an educational nonprofit in Philadelphia. She is wife to Chaplain Juan Mendez and mama to Olivia Joy. She spends her “spare time” running an online invitation design shop on Etsy. Diera is a God-fearing, Starbucks loving, tech junkie (…in that order!) who simply wants to remind women of God’s unchanging, healing love.