There is Power in Prayer

Posted on November 27, 2015 by Graeme Wilson in Victory Call


Prayer is a topic that I’ve struggled with for so long, up until about a year and a half ago. I’ve always wondered why prayer was important. If God knows everything, why do we tell Him about our day? If God already knows the outcome of a situation, why do we pray for it? I knew that prayer was important, I just didn’t know why. I had kept that struggle to myself, though. My pride had always gotten in the way, so I never asked these questions – even to people I trusted most.

The Lord revealed to me a while ago how precious and powerful prayer really is. God doesn’t need it to “activate His power.” He is so amazing and loves us so much that He chooses to allow us to be part of His plan through prayer. We are able to engage in conversation with the Maker of the universe – the One who created the stars and knows them by name. He created this form of communication so that we can grow in our faith and have such intimate relationship with Him.

God really did a work on my heart when it came to prayer. I had so many misconceptions about prayer. I thought of it as a checklist – as if it was something to present to Him so He could do what I wanted Him to. I also thought that it was this “formula.” I thought that if I didn’t say the right words, my prayers would not be effective. Since I didn’t understand the topic, I would try to come to Him in prayer and get distracted.

The Lord revealed to me the importance of putting Him first in all circumstances. When I come into His presence, all of my attention and focus needs to be on Him. He also revealed to me that I needed to have a “praying life.” I needed to spend my day in conversation with Him and pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). It wasn’t something that I should set aside part of my day for. My day should be centered around prayer and a strong focus on Christ, and everything else should be of secondary importance.

The truth is, the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective (James 5:16). If we want to be close with a friend or family member, we need to talk to them. It’s the same case with God – if we want to have a rich and growing relationship with Him, we need to talk to Him. Prayer is the most powerful tool we have, because God is bigger than all situations. We have such an amazing Lord and Savior – the fact that we have the opportunity to be in communication with Him just brings me to my knees. I want to encourage everyone with this truth – prayer works. It will help us when we are hurting, it will draw us closer to our Heavenly father, and it will strengthen our walk with Him – and that is amazing. God is good, amen?!

Erin Culleny
Marketing Assistant

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