I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Revelation 22:13
Once in a while it’s nice to have a short Victory Call, don’t you think? Well, here you go.
God Almighty is the ALPHA AND THE OMEGA. He is the beginning and the end.
How often do we walk through trials and difficulties and forget He is the Omega – the end?
God knows the beginning of your trial, your suffering, your difficulty and He already knows the end of it too. God goes before you. He is already there.
He is not figuring it out as you go along… He is the Omega. You are in safe hands. God sees the beginning and the end.
He is the Alpha and the Omega. We should probably remind ourselves of that once in a while.
Written By Diane Hunt: Diane Hunt serves on the board of America’s Keswick and provides ministry support from her home in North Carolina. She is also a biblical counselor and women’s event speaker. For more information about having Diane speak at your next event please contact her at dhunt@americaskeswick.org.
Think About This: “No human—Jew or Gentile—can be held responsible for the death of the Messiah; He died because it was the Father’s plan for Him to die.” — Mitch Glaser