Seize the Moments…Now!

Posted on February 16, 2016 by Graeme Wilson in Victory Call


Today is one of those days when I’m missing my beloved daughter. I’m looking back and seeing so many precious moments with her that I will treasure until my dying breath. There are also the “other” moments. In between the myriad beautiful memories are the moments where I see myself “less than.” Therein is the impetus for today’s Victory Call, and it is simply this:  If you’re a mom, if you have young charges in your life who depend on you for soul nourishment, if you’re a caregiver for anyone at all, hear this:  Enjoy your babies! Enjoy your little ones, and your big ones. Appreciate and revel in those who are in your care.  Take heed to the opportunities you have to be visible and tangible love. Why? The answer is simply—you never know if the moment you’re in with them will be your last. You just don’t and this is our reasonable service. If we have it to give, we need to give it freely and liberally. We need to pay attention!  We need to resist the temptation to wish or rush them away. They’re here and then….they’re not. When I think of all the moments I checked out of, or rushed through and past, all I can do is sigh, and then remember to praise God for all the twinkling moments I was given.

So vividly do I see the hand on my face saying, “Mommy, see me!” The arm around my neck, saying, “Mommy, hold me!” The painful cries that said, “Mommy, love me. Make my boo boos better!”

Though so many were missed because I was busy doing…WHAT?! Something and nothing! There were countless more which are in the memory bank to treasure on days such as this.

Dear ones, today is the day we have! Treasure it now.  Whenever you hear yourself thinking or saying, “Not now, later.” Know that you’ve just missed an opportunity to be present in/with and for. We have but short seasons; may we embrace them with all that is in us. Enough said. Selah.

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant…a time to heal…a time to build up…a time to laugh…a time to dance…a time to embrace…a time to speak…a time to love…”
From Ecclesiastes Chapter Three

Stephanie Dale

Stephanie D. Paul serves as part of the Addiction Recovery Team at America’s Keswick as Director of Women of Character. She has been married for over 30 years to Sesky Paul who is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy.   Her single focus in ministry at Keswick is to image Christ in grace and truth to wounded and hurting women, encouraging them to make Jesus the truest Lover of their soul and the One in whom all hope lies.

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