On The Table
Posted on June 21, 2016 by Graeme Wilson in Victory Call
This Victory Call will be short because the question is short, simple and profound. So I just want to get your mind engaged and let you chew on this question today for your own life. The question is not original with me.
Here’s the question.
Is your YES on the table?
What does that mean?
Is your answer YES to God before you even know what He is asking of you? Are you willing and ready to say, “YES GOD” before you even know if He is asking you to do something within your comfort zone or outside your comfort zone?
Have you ALREADY said YES to God no matter what He asks; or is your YES still in your pocket so you can consider the request before you answer?
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying:
“Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?”
Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” Isaiah 6:8
Is your YES on the table?
Think about that today.
Blessings, Diane
Diane Hunt served for 16 years on the staff of America’s Keswick until recently when she and her husband relocated to North Carolina. She now continues serving as a contributing writer and Partner Care consultant. Diane is also a Biblical Counselor, speaker, teacher, and author. She delights in the opportunities she has as a women’s conference and retreat speaker to share from God’s word. Many of her illustrations are drawn from her relational experiences as a wife, mother, and mema. They are the very relationships that bring her the greatest joy and the most fun!