My Agenda
Posted on December 17, 2018 by America's Keswick in Victory Call

I had a change in my Thanksgiving agenda. My plans were to spend the day at my son’s home, which is a hour’s drive, with him and his family. I had to work in the morning, but then would be free for the rest of the day and would return home about 9:00 pm since I had to work the next morning. All sounded fine to me.
However, I have been having trouble with my right knee which has now affected my back because of the way I’m walking. Hopefully you are aware that everything in our body structure is connected, therefore, when I drive for more than twenty minutes, my right foot now experiences pain which makes driving very uncomfortable. Rest assured I have had physical therapy, will have a MRI, and then I’ll see the back doctor.
The reason I tell you this story is because I was unable to get to my son’s house and spent Thanksgiving at home. My agenda had changed! At first I was a little upset. My conversation with God went something like this, “really? why do I have pain now? this was not on my agenda.”
And you know how the rest of the conversation goes, I whine and God responds, “my time is not your time, do you trust me, do you trust me in everything? Have you read what I wrote lately? I will be with you! When you seek me, I will be there. Why not spend Thanksgiving with me?”
So, I did. I spent Thanksgiving with God. I started by watching the Thanksgiving service at Keswick and was blessed by the testimonies and the words of Bill Welte. Then I was blessed by God’s Word as I read the scriptures.
This, of course, brings me to the question, what’s on your agenda? This time of year most people begin to think about their agenda’s for the new year. Your agenda might be to lose weight, spend more time with family, make time for more tee time or tea time!
About two years ago, I was a few minutes late arriving at church for a Wednesday night Bible study class. As I walked through the parking lot, my thoughts were to just go home since I was so tired. I was already late……but the small voice of the Holy Spirit whispered and said, “no, I want you to go.” So, I continued. Before I reached the door, the church administrative assistant came out and said, “so glad you’re here. I need you to facilitate the Divorce Care class, our leader has called out sick.” Now, I did not have this on my agenda.
In the past I have struggled with a season of depression, a time I refer to as my “maze of numbness.” I did not have this on my agenda either. However, had I not gone through this, I would not have been able to spend time with a young woman in the Divorce Care class that night sharing how God had led me through this time of my life.
But it’s not about my agenda…’s about HIS!
Is your agenda about HIS agenda? What are the list of things God has for you to do and are you ready and willing to follow them? What are the items God is telling you that need attention? His word will give you the personal motivation you need to follow HIS agenda.
Don’t miss out on the blessing……follow HIS agenda!
Going & Growing in Grace,
Written by Teri Van Schoick. Teri loves to teach women about God’s Word through the practical applications made in the everyday of life. She can be reached at
The Daily Bible Reading: Philippians 1-4| You can download our 2018 Daily Bible Reading Plan by clicking here
Daily Quote: “When ours are interrupted, his are not. His plans are proceeding exactly as scheduled, moving us always (including those minutes or hours or years which seem most useless or wasted or unendurable) “toward the goal of true maturity” (Rom 12:2 JBP).”- Elisabeth Elliot
This Week’s Verse to Memorize:rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation,continuing steadfastly in prayer; Romans 12:12