Let’s Cross That Sea When We Come To It
Posted on July 14, 2016 by Graeme Wilson in Victory Call
When the Israelites left Egypt, they left laden with Egyptian plunder; eager, anxious and excited.
Soon – the Egyptian army was hot in pursuit and the frightening circumstances turned their joy to…
Worry and fear.
As they looked ahead they saw their way blocked by the Red sea.
As they looked behind they saw the dust of the Egyptian chariots fast approaching.
No way out. Trapped. No good choice.
Ever been there? Ever felt like that? Trapped with no good choices?
Worry and fear can claw at our faith, our peace and our resolve.
We stand between two difficult places and all we can see is a raging army and a stormy sea.
Fear can immobilize us. We don’t retreat and we don’t move ahead. We freeze.
Notice that God did not open the Red Sea until Israel arrived. They moved forward unsure of where they would go. As Moses exercised faith and obeyed, it was then that God opened the sea before them.
Worry is focused on the future. We cast our vision to some point of time in the future and imagine what will happen. I wasn’t there, but I can guess that as the Israelites thought about the Red Sea looming before them, it didn’t enter their mind that God would part the sea for them to walk through on dry ground. They could not cross that sea until they came to it. God’s power, God’s solution and God’s grace were there in the moment they needed it.
Likewise, whatever you face today or think you will face tomorrow or next week or next month, you cannot begin to imagine what God will do on your behalf when you actually get there. BUT you can KNOW for certain HE WILL BE THERE and His power, His solution, and His grace will be there in the moment you need it.
Next time you find yourself worrying about the future, remind yourself that God is in your future, too. His purposes will be accomplished in your future. His grace will sustain you in your future. Have you not experienced that over and over and over again?
Don’t picture your future without God in that picture.
Blessings, Diane
After serving 16 years full time on the staff of America’s Keswick, Diane and her husband moved to North Carolina where she continues to serve part time as a contributing writer and Partner Care Consultant. She is also a Biblical counselor and women’s event speaker. For more information about having Diane speak at your next event please contact her at dhunt@americaskeswick.org.