Joy Robber

Posted on August 5, 2015 by Graeme Wilson in Victory Call

I was just having a conversation with a dear friend who is serving well his bride who struggles with dementia issues, an area I am not unfamiliar with. My dad, who has had Alzheimer’s for about 10 years, is in great physical condition and frankly has lived this long (he’s 89) because of the great loving care my amazing 87-year-old mother is giving him day in and day out. Dad would not get this kind of care in any facility at any cost.

I shared with my friend that I count it an honor to do whatever little things I can to serve my Dad and Mom. If mom did not allow my siblings and me to help it would deny us the privilege and joy of helping. (Since my sisters may read this I want to acknowledge they do WAY WAY WAY more than I because they live close and I do not – I am so thankful for them and their service to Mom and Dad).

Anyway, that leads me to make this point:

Sometimes we rob others of the blessing and joy of serving because “we can do it ourselves”. Has it ever occurred to you that accepting help is not a sign of weakness? Accepting help affords the other person the opportunity to be blessed and to have joy in serving too. May our pride not get in the way and make us joy robbers. Rather may we receive with gladness the help offered knowing that the joy and blessing we receive will be multiplied unto them as well.


Diane Hunt is a Biblical Counselor, Women’s conference and retreat speaker and author. She serves as the Director of Partner Care and Director of Women’s Ministries at America’s Keswick. She and her husband John have two married children and four grandchildren. She loves reveling in warm sunny climates and playing with her grandchildren.

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