God’s Heart for Mothers
Posted on April 21, 2015 by Graeme Wilson in Victory Call
Recently I had reason to look into the scripture about what God’s Word reveals about His heart for mothers. There are so many scriptures that reference the word “mother.” Here are just a few.
First of all I was very drawn to 2 Kings 4. In this chapter we read the account of two different mothers with children. The first is a widow who has creditors at her door who want to take her two sons as their slaves. She has nothing in her house except a jar of oil. The prophet Elisha tells her to borrow empty vessels for herself from her neighbors. He tells her not to get only a few. Elisha tells her to bring all of the vessels in the house, close the door and begin to pour the oil into the vessels. She does so and the oil does not stop flowing until every vessel is full. Elisha now tells her to go and sell the oil, pay her debt and live on the rest. The Lord provided what this widowed mother needed to save herself and her sons.
Further in the chapter we read about another woman, the Shunammite woman. This lady is married and her husband allows her to make a little walled upper chamber for Elisha so that he has a place to sleep when he comes into their region. Elisha blesses the woman and she has a son. But one day the boy became ill and died. The woman laid him on the bed Elisha slept in, closed the door and went to get Elisha. She was not satisfied with a visit from his assistant who took Elisha’s staff to the boy. She insisted Elisha come himself. Elisha stretches himself on the dead boy and the flesh of the child became warm and he lived. God cares about the needs of our children.
Then there is the book of Ruth. This is a story about a mother named Naomi. Naomi’s husband had taken her to the land of Moab because of a famine in their homeland. While in Moab her husband and two adult sons die leaving her with two daughters-in-law. Although she tells the daughters to go back to their people one, Ruth, refuses to go. Ruth travels with Naomi back to her homeland, making Naomi’s people her people, Naomi’s God her God. It is there Naomi finds healing and restoration. God cares about the mother who has lived through the death of her husband and children.
Lastly, I want to note that when Jesus was hanging on the cross He thought of the needs of His mother for He said to His mother, “Woman, behold, your son!” Then He said to the disciple John, “Behold, your mother!” From that hour the disciple took her into his own household. (John 19:26-27)
It appears to me that God cares very much about mothers. He is the one who will supply for the physical and emotional needs of a mother. It is He who will care for our children. As mothers let us fully put trust in the Lord our God. No matter what this world may throw at you, you can always trust in the Lord our God. He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)
Patricia Wenzel
Women of Character Graduate