Posted on December 5, 2016 by Graeme Wilson in Victory Call
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3
“Life can’t be about being good enough, but instead believing there is God enough—God enough for whatever our own humanity needs grace for.” *
Many of you have read Victory Calls in which I have shared my heart in regards to prodigals. Like many moms of prodigal children we look forward to their return but are continuing to wait.
While reading Ann Voskamp’s book “The Broken Way” she says, “Parenting is logically complicated, theologically enlightening, and sometimes a bit psychologically destroying.”** Like me, you may have felt a measure of destruction in your heart and mind when it comes to our kids. We are broken over mistakes, choices, words said and left unsaid. Most recently I had a mom share with me the guilt she felt in how she raised her children and now it is too late. I reminded her that God is bigger than our mistakes. We are all broken to begin with. God knows that and yet He uses us and, yes, we make mistakes along the way. If you are looking at your hurts and the mistakes you made in the past, may I encourage you to look to your Lord who is BIGGER and able to work regardless of how much you think things are beyond repair.
Maybe it’s not prodigal children for you, but something looms over your broken heart today. Whatever the cause of your hurting heart God sees your brokenness. Today will you and I believe that God is enough? He is able to work, heal and return wholeness to the pieces of our hearts?
Kathy Withers is on staff at America’s Keswick and serves as Director of Partner Care. Kathy has been married to her husband Dave for 30 years. They have two adult children. Kathy is active in her local Church and teaches a Bible Study for women. Her passion is to encourage women to deepen their walk with Jesus Christ by finding and living out the truths of God’s Word.
“The Broken Way” by Ann Voskamp
*pg 134
** pg 135