Deuteronomy 10:12 (New International Version)
“… to walk in all His ways, to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul…”
We all have different roles and gifts given to us. Let us look at two wonderful ladies whose family was very special to the Lord.
Mary and Martha –
Their home was a place where the Lord would come when he needed rest and friendship. Oh, what a place to be in, to have my home a place that the Lord would want to come when he needed something. They were known in their community to be in good standing, their family was said to be a pillar.
I remember reading a track when I was younger; I think it was called “If Jesus came to your House”. It was referring to what he would find there etc… If the door bell rang and the Lord was there, could you invite him in immediately or would you need to ask Him to wait until you move a few things around? Or could you welcome Jesus into your home as these two ladies did.
Are you a Mary or a Martha? Looking at both of these ladies, they both had certain gifts told to us in scripture. Mary preferred to sit before Jesus for spiritual instruction and Martha was usually busy supervising the hospitality of the home.
Martha was hospitable – the bible says “she received Jesus into her house”
Mary – the bible says “she was found at the feet of Jesus”
Romans 12:13 (New International Version – UK)
“Share with God’s people who are in need.”
Now these are both very important things that need to be done. We need a time of spiritual refreshment ( time with just me and the Lord), and we also need a practical time of getting our homes organized and set for the hospitality ministry that the Lord will bring to us.
Both sat before the Lord, but while Mary thought that listening was better Martha felt that feeding Jesus was as necessary as waiting upon His word.
So where am I going with all this…Some say Martha was too busy (yet she was serving in a more practical way) and some say Mary was sitting and learning for too long.
We can do both and need to do both….but remember not to be too busy and forget to sit at His feet and then again once you have sat at his feet and have been refreshed get up and start serving.
Psalm 37:5 (King James Version)
“Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.”
Ok ladies today sit before the Lord and ask him to help you be a “Women of Influence” and then get up and serve for Him today.
Written by Lynn Wilson: Lynn is a full time working mom and wife. She lives and works at America’s Keswick for over 20 years with her family. Lynn and her husband have served as a team in ministry and have a heart to see the Lord’s people rise up and serve in their local church, In addition….Lynn is a speaker for women’s events and conferences.