All This and Heaven, Too!
Posted on June 28, 2017 by Graeme Wilson in Victory Call
Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of Lights. James 1:17
Warren W. Wiersbe said this: “I will be satisfied to the extent that I see everything I have as a gift from God. Here is the truth: Everything you have – your money, talent, friendships, marriage, children, material possessions, health, home, bike, car, even the country you live in – is a gift from God that He had chosen out of His generous nature to give you.”
Wise words to contemplate when the day can leave us feeling less than satisfied. My good friend told me the definition of the root word “satis” means “enough”. Satisfied…contented, quenched, enough.
Pondering Warren’s list above…which is not an exhaustive one by any means…I find my heart satisfied knowing that the God of all that is good has chosen to bless my with these gifts…and more.
Isn’t the word “quenched” great, too? What a beautiful word to describe contentment. When I spend time with Jesus, when my yearning spirit is soothed in His presence, quenched is exactly the word that fits!
Taking moments each day to remember that the God of the universe loves each one of us individually, and blesses us individually, because He knows us so intimately is satisfying.
Take those moments, sisters, and then add to the list that our brother Warren has started. Before long, you’ll run out of room on your paper. Like those around the throne, you may find your contented heart singing these praises to the One who gives so open-handed to you, the One who loves you most:
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing! Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb, forever and ever!
What a God! What a Savior!
Carol Tirondola is on staff with the Partner Care team at America’s Keswick. She and her best friend, Mario, have been married for 35 years. They have 2 sons and 2 daughters-in-law that they call their “BFFs.” They also have 7 precious gems called grandchildren. Her family has savored many memories of the heart made at Keswick over the last 35+ years and she is thrilled to serve on staff!