All Aboard!

Posted on March 27, 2018 by Graeme Wilson in Victory Call

Noah’s ark contained animals whose only qualification to get aboard was that no pair of species would be of the same kind. The fact that they were different is the only reason they were chosen. It was God’s purpose to multiply their distinct DNA in the new world.

The most righteous man alive was challenged to live with and care for this most diverse group of creatures ever to be assembled in one place, with no way of escape. Obviously, God miraculously calmed the creatures enough to sustain the journey, but how did Noah not punch a hole in the boat, throw some of these animals overboard, or just jump off and leave that Carnivorous Carnival Cruise Ship?! (And how did Mrs. Noah cope? There were “creeping things” on that boat! I’m sad to admit it, but I would’ve bailed. I just don’t do snakes.)

When the Lord saves us, we too come together in Christ, our Ark of salvation. While it is still in our human DNA to “devour” each other, the Holy Spirit not only keeps us calm, but He puts a love in our hearts for each other and enables us to live together in peace.

And using Noah as an example, our God chooses to stick with us…on the seas, with the smell of sin in the air, nurturing us, caring for us, preparing a future for us, never to leave us or forsake us.
“Only Noah and those who were with him in the ark remained alive.” Genesis 7:23

What a God! What a Savior!

Carol Tirondola: Carol Tirondola is on staff with the Partner Care team at America’s Keswick. She and her best friend, Mario, have been married for 35 years. They have 2 sons and 2 daughters-in-law that they call their “BFFs.” They also have 7 precious gems called grandchildren. Her family has savored many memories of the heart made at Keswick over the last 35+ years and she is thrilled to serve on staff!

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