A Fresh Look
Posted on August 31, 2018 by America's Keswick in Victory Call

Last week I had the opportunity to go to Sight and Sound Theatre in Lancaster with some friends to see their newest production, “Jesus.” By choice, I had heard very little about the show. When talking with friends who had already seen it, I had asked each one not to tell me anything. One friend told me the show was indescribable and he didn’t know what to say even if I did want to hear a preview.
So I went it with very little advance information about what the show contained. When we arrived I headed into the ladies room, knowing I’d be in the theatre for quite a while, and as I entered the stall, it occurred to me that I really needed to view the program with open eyes and mind. I was raised in church, I accepted Jesus as my Savior as a child, I have a Bachelor of Science in Bible degree, and I have worked in Christian ministry for over 30 years. So, I know the story. I’ve heard it many times, in many ways, for many years.
But I didn’t want a “ho hum”, been-there-done-that kind of experience. I wanted to experience the gospel in a fresh way. And so I asked God to open my eyes and let me experience it anew.
Within the first few minutes, I was struck by a biblical inaccuracy. Isn’t it just like the enemy to try to distract us? I quickly put it aside and immersed myself in the program. And God showed up! I won’t give away which scene brought me to tears – just to say that I was reminded afresh that God knows ME, God loves ME, God knows MY name.
Maybe you’ve gotten a little “ho hum” in your day-to-day walk. I know I do at times. All we have to do is ask for open eyes and a fresh look. God will show us again how much He loves us.
Open my eyes, that I may see Wondrous things from Your law. Psalm 119:18
Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, And revive me in Your way. Psalm 119:37
But my eyes are upon You, O God the Lord; In You I take refuge; Psalm 141:8
The eyes of all look expectantly to You, And You give them their food in due season. Psalm 145:15
Written by Ruth Schmidt: Ruth Schmidt has worked at America’s Keswick since 1985. She currently serves as Administrative Assistant to Bill Welte.
The Daily Bible Reading: Ezekiel 16-17| You can download our 2018 Daily Bible Reading Plan by clicking here
Daily Quote: Lord, I want to fall in love with you more each and every day. – Gaby Triyono
This Week’s Verse to Memorize:So shall the knowledge of wisdom be to your soul; If you have found it, there is a prospect, And your hope will not be cut off.
Proverbs 24:14