Who is Qualified to Counsel?
Posted on August 4, 2015 by America's Keswick in Freedom Fighters
Who is Qualified to Counsel?
Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. (James 3:1)
The Greek word for teacher here is instructor, and counseling or counselors will instruct in some sort or fashion. This is strong language from James, of course inspired by the Holy Spirit. I’m convicted even as I write this post, however, challenging myself in God’s Word is worth more than looking like a good Christian.
It is obvious that James goes on and speaks so passionately about the controlling of the tongue and the behaviors of the saints through his book. God is calling me/you to be a doer, not just a hearer or like I say; repeaters of the Word. And that’s one of the first qualifications of the counselor, live a life that matches the counsel we offer.
But let me rewind the tape to what I believe is one of the most important qualification. A person must know personally, not academically, Jesus Christ as the Wonderful Counselor for himself or herself. We are simply people in need of Christ, serving people in need of Christ. “But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”(Romans 5:8) Let the love God have its way through us.
Many people love God, so should all of them be counselor? “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15) A fellow colony grad would quote this verse to me frequently and I think it’s applicable here. A counselor, no matter what level your own, should handle the Word of God properly. Selah!
With knowing the truth, we must convey in such way that is pleasing to God. “Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ.” (Ephesians 4:15) As believers, as a whole, we are charged to communicate the gospel in a way that glorifies God and proves beneficial to others.
There are many other values and requirements that can be helpful for counselors, but I probably need to start with these few. Whether we like it or not we are all counselors, of some level, in the kingdom of God. God Bless! – Juan Mendez graduated from the Colony of Mercy and serves there as a Chaplain. You can email Juan at jmendez@americaskeswick.org
Daily Bible Reading: Psalm 66-67; Acts 23:16-35
Think About This: The church is not a career path. It’s a place you go to give your life away. —Dave Harvey
This Week’s Verse to Memorize: Therefore I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; My God will hear me. Micah 7:7