Posted on October 8, 2015 by America's Keswick in Freedom Fighters
Tonight start’s our monthly Men’s Fellowship Night’s. Come join us this Thursday for our kick-off event at 6:15 PM with dinner followed by a great message from Pastor Sam Sutter. Call for information: 800-453-7942
Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. (1 Corinthians 16: 13) That simple word was written to a troubled church and to troubled people. Among the various meanings of the word are other words such as wake, be vigilant, and be cautious. There is also a warning in the word that unless we watch we may become indolent and overtaken by “some destructive calamity” (Strong’s Enhanced Lexicon).
In essence, that simple instruction is telling us to wise up – to be aware and to be alert, to exercise wise disciplines. This is a responsibility assigned to those of us who desire to experience victory in Christ. To be sure, the victory we have in Christ is in fact in Christ. We cannot afford to overlook that. Neither can we afford to overlook our human responsibility in the opportunity of such victory.
Therefore we must watch. We must be informed by God’s Word about the crucial issues of life. And one of the first things for which we must watch is that we do not gain our knowledge of evil and danger by receiving our information from that which is evil and dangerous. We just simply cannot go there.
The Bible tells us that we are to be …wise in that which is good, and simple (unmixed with evil) concerning evil (Romans 16: 19).
Watch is a clear instruction. We are to be aware of all our Lord has provided for our spiritual enrichment. We are to be aware of where we may find what He has provided and how we may attain that which He has provided. We must watch in order to find that which is good and to avoid that which is evil. Our watch must be active – not passive. It must be guarded – not careless.
Victory is often lost when one chooses to carelessly explore rather than carefully watch. Watching involves prayer, Bible study, worship, proper fellowship, being in the proper places, avoiding the places of evil enticement. You get the idea.
Watching means knowing what to turn to as well as what to turn from. Now for the question: have you taken an inventory lately of the matters influencing your spiritual victory – or lack of it? Have you watched lately? Do you watch constantly? Are you being honest with what you are finding? Do you deal quickly and adequately with what you find?
Watch. It is a serious part of our victory in Christ. Dr. Robert L. Alderman is minister-at-large at Shenandoah Baptist Church in Roanoke, VA. He is a popular speaker at America’s Keswick
Keswick, America’s (2012-12-13). Real Victory for Real Life Volume 2 (Kindle Locations 9285-9318). . Kindle Edition.
Daily Bible Reading: Ezekiel 45-46; John 19:23-42
Think About This: When we bring God’s word directly into our praying, we are bringing God’s power into our praying. —Joni Eareckson Tada
This Week’s Verse to Memorize: You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah Psalm 32:7