The World and the Kingdom

Posted on March 27, 2023 by Elizabeth Welte in Freedom Fighters

“Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10)

How many times have we prayed the Lord’s Prayer, but have you ever thought about what you are praying? Too often, with familiar passages like this – we tend to go on autopilot.

I recently read a thought-provoking devotional on the differences between the world and the Kingdom. Think about this:

* The world pursues MAMMON – but the Kingdom pursues GOD.

* The world USES people — the Kingdom SERVES people.

* The world seeks to please MAN – the Kingdom seeks to please GOD.

* The world USES God to advance his personal interests – the Kingdom OBEYS God to advance HIS interests.

* The world looks for SIGNIFICANCE in titles, recognition and advancement; the Kingdom brings significance because of the value GOD places upon each individual regardless of personal status.

* The world operates with FEAR and MANIPULATION to get people to PERFORM – the Kingdom operates with LOVE that motivates people to please.

* The world brings BONDAGE – the Kingdom brings FREEDOM.

* The world creates a PARTING spirit that puts down others – the Kingdom creates a GRACIOUS spirit that builds others up.

* The world is about gaining PERSONAL success – the Kingdom is about making OTHERS successful.

* The world seeks POWER & CONTROL – the Kingdom seeks after MEEKNESS and yielding to God’s control.

* The world STEALS from others and takes credit for someone else’s work – the Kingdom HONORS others and seeks their highest good.

* The world wears a mask and walks in DISHONESTY – the Kingdom is real and walks in TRUTH.

* The world CRITICIZES competition and actively tries to hurt them – the Kingdom gives HONOR and where honor is due and seeks to bless.

* The world is interested in the DOLLAR that is in the consumer’s wallet – the Kingdom is interested in the NEED that is in the consumer’s heart.

-from Meet Me in the Meadow – Roy Lessin

That was a powerful reminder for me. Am I operating out of the world’s way of life, or am I operating with His Kingdom in view? I’m going to be reading that list for sure. He it helps you too.


Written by Bill Welte: President/CEO of America’s Keswick: Bill has been married to his childhood sweetheart for 40+ years and has four married kids and 12 amazing grandkids. He loves music and is an avid reader.

Think About This: “Everything over my head is under God’s feet.” –Adrian Rogers

The Daily Bible Reading: Joshua 14-17. You can download our 2023 Daily Bible Reading Plan by clicking here. 

This Week’s Verse to Memorize:  “Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.” (Joshua 21:45)

Want to get away & have dedicated time to read & learn God’s Word?

Consider a retreat at America’s Keswick retreat center.


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