The Holy Spirit Lives Inside of You and Me
Posted on September 25, 2017 by Graeme Wilson in Freedom Fighters

“Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called ‘today,’ that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.” Hebrews 3:12-13
Dr. George Murray was our speaker recently for our Young at Heart conference, and he made a profound statement that many of us take for granted. “Christ is above me, below me, behind me, before me, around me – and He is in me!” If that isn’t powerful enough – the moment we trust the Jesus Christ as our Savior, the Holy Spirit resides in us as well. Now that’s a double “wow!”
Dr. Paul David Tripp says that “if you’re God’s child, you are blessed with the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit.”
The question is, are you listening? So here are some convicting statements that Dr. Tripp asks in his book, New Morning Mercies, regarding willingness to obey the prompting and convicting work of the Holy Spirit in our lives:
- It is tempting to not listen to the protective promptings of the Holy Spirit because you think you have a more accurate view of yourself than you ever really have.
- It is tempting to resist the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit because few of us actually believe that we need the sight-giving ministry of others in our lives.
- It is tempting to harden your heart against the ministry conviction of the Holy Spirit by arguing for your righteousness when a sin, weakness, or failure is revealed.
- It is tempting to refuse to listen to the convicting voice of the Spirit by comparing yourself to other believers and arguing that you are surely more righteous than they are.
- It is tempting to resist the personal insight-giving ministry of the Holy Spirit by confusing biblical literacy and theological knowledge with the evidence of a transformed and God-pleasing life.
- It is tempting to run from the Spirit’s restoring and protective work by rewriting your history, swindling yourself into believing that your wrongs are not so wrong after all.
- It is tempting to resist the Spirit’s loving work of conviction by confusing ministry skill, experience, and success with personal spiritual maturity.
- It is tempting to resist the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit when he uses an instrument who you think is unqualified or less mature than you.
As you read through these statements, does this describe you? I don’t know about you, but this week, I want to allow the Holy Spirit to work me through these statements and do that spiritual heart surgery in my life.
Take time to read through each statement. Then prayerfully speak to the Holy Spirit if you are bold enough, brave enough, daring enough. Allow Him full access to your life this week.
Rejoice! Pray! Give thanks!
Bill Welte, D.D.
President/CEO America’s Keswick
Written by Dr. Bill Welte, President/CEO of America’s Keswick: Bill has been married to his child sweetheart for 40+ years, and has three married kids, one that is engaged, and 11 amazing grand kids. He loves music and is an avid reader.
The Daily Bible Reading: Numbers 25-28| You can download our 2017 Daily Bible Reading Plan by clicking here
Think About This: We cannot add time; we can only exercise stewardship over the time we are given. —Albert Mohler
This Week’s Verse to Memorize:
It is good to give thanks to the Lord, And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High. Psalm 92:1