Spurring Each Other!
Posted on June 22, 2016 by America's Keswick in Freedom Fighters

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,” (Hebrews 10:24)
There are many times that the flesh, life, people, my sin etc…has brought me to a place of desperation. In those times, I recall dreading to face the circumstance or situation and upset at life/myself that I actually woke up. A desalinate place, a cloud over my soul, a seemingly hopeless condition . And God would send someone to say; it is going to be ok. Simple truth!
The writer of Hebrews is intentional about this command. To Consider: to think about carefully, to think of especially with regard to taking some action, take into account, to regard or treat in an attentive or kindly way. This is a well thought process. I know we see things in people and quick make a judgment, but are we weighing out all the factors. Are we being intentional about what’s best for the individual?
Saints we ought to gaze on each other as fellow sojourners and spur one another. “A spur is a metal tool designed to be worn in pairs on the heels of riding boots for the purpose of directing a horse to move forward or laterally while riding.” This refers to aiding or provoking individuals, in love, to finish the race that God has began in their life.
At last what are we spurring them to? This verse is literally directing us, to direct them, to good works. In the Greek this word is εργων to toil (as an effort or occupation); by implication, an act — deed, doing, labor, work. I know this might mess with some people’s theology, but you can’t argue with scripture. Good works is a good thing. This is the way we illuminate are relationship with Christ.
Basically, there might be someone in your life that could benefit from an encouraging word, a coffee date, a few minutes of your time. Hebrews 3:13 mentions, “But exhort one another daily, as long as it is called today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. Be initial, and be sure you will also need spurring one day. God Bless.
Written by Juan Mendez: Juan is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and full time staff member of America’s Keswick.
The Daily Bible Reading: Psalm 21; Proverbs 22
Daily Quote: I would go to the deeps a hundred times to cheer a downcast spirit. It is good for me to have been afflicted, that I might know how to speak a word in season to one that is weary. ~Charles Spurgeon
This Week’s Verse to Memorize:
31 But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint. ~Isaiah 40:31