Someone’s Knocking at the Door
Posted on November 29, 2016 by America's Keswick in Freedom Fighters

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” – Revelation 3:20
Here’s the scene, comfortably sitting on the couch after a long day. “Someone’s knocking at the door; Somebody’s ringing the bell.” You turn to another and say “Do me a favor, open the door and let’em in”.
So often in the Bible we read passages that tell us, “Ask, seek and knock”, “Call”, “let your requests be made known to God”, etc. Each day we are told to pursue God. Just recently I was doing a routine inspection of our hotel rooms at Keswick with a state inspector. Our first room was occupied by one of our African Missionaries, they were having a conference here. A little man with broken English answered the door and invited us in. The inspector was then presented with a question from our guest, “What have you asked of God today?”At a loss for words, the inspector said “nothing.” With great dismay, the Ghanaian missionary inquired “why have you not asked of the Lord today?” In a very awkward moment, I broke the silence with, “well, maybe tomorrow”.
This gave me an opportunity to explain the Gospel to our inspector friend. In Revelation 3:20 we see a pursuit of our Lord Jesus Christ by standing on the outside wanting to come in. It says He stands at the door and knocks, I must tell you that this verse came to mind immediately after we encountered our guest.
God is the Pursuer, and has called each of us to Himself. He does this at salvation and I believe He also does this at times in our walk with Him. Just like the scenario of us sitting on the couch too lazy to get up because we don’t see a need to answer. This message to the Laodicean church is presented because of a “lukewarm” condition which is defined by a list of what I call “you think, but I tell you” rebukes from our Lord.
So, if you’re too comfortable in your Lazy Boy and you hear Jesus knocking, maybe today is the day we willfully open the door and let Him in. Amen!
Written by Rob Russomano: Rob Russomano is married to Terri, he is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a full time staff member. He is also available as a speaker of the grace of God with a message of Hope for church events. You can contact him at
The Daily Bible Reading: Psalm 29; Proverbs 29
Daily Quote: “‘You would not have called to me unless I had been calling to you,’ said the Lion.” – C.S. Lewis
This Week’s Verse to Memorize:
6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. ~Philippians 4:6-7