Prepare for the New Year

Posted on December 18, 2023 by Elizabeth Welte in Freedom Fighters

Good morning on this beautiful Monday. Christmas is just around the corner, and so is the end of 2023. Can you believe that we are heading into 2024?

Each year, I challenge our readers to map out their devotional reading for the new year. If you struggle with spending time with the Lord each day, I want to encourage you to check out some of these tools that will help you develop this spiritual discipline in your life.


Here are some of my favorites:

Daily Light on the Daily Path is a collection of Scriptures for every day. There are morning and evening readings. It is JUST Scripture, no commentary. I have been using this tool for almost 30 years and it has been such a blessing. I actually write important dates and events in the margins, and it is amazing to read each day and reflect on what God has been doing in my life over the years.

God’s Word for Your Heart is a daily minute-and-a-half podcast with one of our staff reading from the Daily Light. It’s available on all podcast platforms.

America’s Keswick 2024 Bible Reading Plan. If you have never read through the Bible in a year, why not try this year? You can download our plan or call us for a copy.

Words of Wisdom contains readings from the Psalms and Proverbs for each day. I love this leather-bound edition. If you use this every day, you will have read through Psalms and Proverbs 12 times during the year.

My Utmost for His Highest. This classic devotional by Oswald Chambers is timeless and will help you go deeper in your love for God.

Morning and Evening is another classic devotional from the pen of the “prince of preachers” Charles Haddon Spurgeon. It is rich! The language has been updated by Alistair Begg.

Every Day for Every Man is a daily devotional by Steve Aterburn to help us walk a life of purity. It is a must-read!!!

New Morning Mercies is probably my all-time favorite. It was written by Paul David Tripp. This devotional will grip your heart.


I have linked mostly the leather-bound editions, but all of these have electronic versions. The links are for Amazon, but you can also order them from Christian Book Distributors and probably get them cheaper.

Happy shopping! Make an investment in your walk with the Lord in 2024.


Anchored to the Rock,

Bill Welte, President/CEO
America’s Keswick



Written by Dr. Bill Welte: Bill has been the President & CEO of America’s Keswick for 26+ years, living and breathing Keswick’s message of Victory every day. He has an empowering gift with people leaving each one with an impressionable sense of God’s love, grace, and truth. He hosts & leads various Keswick events, as well as speaking at numerous churches in the tri-state area. He now lives off-campus with his childhood sweetheart of 40+ years, Jan. They have four married kids and 12 amazing grandkids. In his personal time, he loves to read and weekly writes for Keswick’s Freedom Fighter blogs.

Think About This:  “I suggest that if we are truly hungering and thirsting after righteousness we shall not only avoid things that we know to be bad and harmful, we shall even avoid things that tend to dull or take the edge off our spiritual appetites.” ― Martin Lloyd-Jones

The Daily Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 5-6, Titus 1-3, 1 Peter 1. You can download our 2023 Daily Bible Reading Plan by clicking here

This Week’s Verse to Memorize:  “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

Want to get away & have dedicated time to read & learn God’s Word?

Consider a retreat at America’s Keswick retreat center.


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