I have been sharing with you some of the lessons God has been teaching me about prayer over the past two years, particularly as we went through the pandemic.
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One of the reasons we pray is to ask God to display His power and glory in a situation, especially when there is no humanly possible way that we could do something to take the credit for the matter for which we are praying. I call it praying so that the answer is ONLY traceable to HIS hand.
Over the past 25 years, I have personally seen hundreds of answers to prayer regarding the ministry of America’s Keswick. I have tried to journal them all, but it is impossible to remember them all.
During Covid, we secured two PPP loans that organizations like ours could apply for to assist with payroll and other expenses so that we didn’t have to lay off our staff. The first loan was over $400,000, and we received forgiveness for that load. We were so grateful for this amazing provision.
When the opportunity became available in 2021, we applied for $370,000. The window opened for us to apply for forgiveness of the loan. Still, everyone who looked at our finances agreed that based on the amazing ways GOD provided for our needs in 2021, forgiveness was very unlikely, and we needed to see if we could pay it off completely, or take the 1% interest loan.
Our Board decided years ago that we wanted to be debt-free, so we all began to pray that God would do something supernatural and that the answer would only be traceable to His hand.
Our Controller filled out tons of paperwork and was so doubtful of the outcome. But we called on our Board, staff, and prayer partners to pray. What would go do?
Two weeks ago, we were having a Board meeting, and there was no answer from the SBA. Very early in the morning, the day of the meeting, our Controller received an email stating that we had received forgiveness for the load IN FULL. Dan called me early in the morning and asked me to come in as he needed to talk to me. My heart was in my throat – what was the problem?
When I stepped into his office, he was sobbing. My first reaction was someone in his family died. He looked up and, through his tears, told me that the loan was paid off in full and kept saying, “This isn’t supposed to happen. It’s a miracle from the hand of God.”
By the way, every day in our staff prayer meeting, Dan has the same prayer requests: for God’s almighty provision and protection and that we would be a community of unity. God answered the prayers of this dear brother, and the answer was only traceable to HIS hand.
This is just ONE illustration of how God has answered prayer. God doesn’t always answer every prayer this way. But I tell you – I believe when God’s kids cry out to Him with boldness and courage, He does hear and answer so that HE and only HE will get the glory.
I am learning to take EVERYTHING to Him in prayer. Does He answer every prayer like this? No – but I believe He answers every prayer. More about that next week.
My challenge to you is this – are you bold enough, daring enough, courageous enough to pray? Take that step of faith and see what God will do! Then tell me your story so I can rejoice with you.
Undivided: By Christ, in Christ, For Christ,
Bill Welte, President/CEO
America’s Keswick
Written by Bill Welte, President/CEO of America’s Keswick: Bill has been married to his childhood sweetheart for 40+ years and has four married kids and 12 amazing grandkids. He loves music and is an avid reader.
Think About This: “Psalm 27 tells that even in the middle of difficulties that we do not understand nor seem able to escape, we have reason to take heart and have hope.” – Paul David Tripp
The Daily Bible Reading: Joshua 4-6; Luke 2:1-24| You can download our 2022 Daily Bible Reading Plan by clicking here.