I Am Not Al Bundy
Posted on June 19, 2015 by America's Keswick in Freedom Fighters
I Am Not Al Bundy!
(Today I am sharing something from my archives of Freedom Fighters. This was written back 6-2010. It is a privilege to share my journey in front of all of you)
“Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” Genesis 1:26 (ESV)
There was a television show that would come on Sunday night’s back when I was waist high in the muck and mire of my sinful self. The show was called “Married…With Children”. The main character of the show was Al Bundy. He was a shoe salesman who once had football glory while he was in high school but then he got married and turned into this buffoon of a man. His wife wouldn’t work at anything and his children seemed to follow that same pattern. Al would have his moments of manly victory but in the long run he was a frustrated loser of a man who everyone laughed at either on screen or in the living room. And I was one of them, until my life also became a joke for people to laugh at.
I was in agreement with a message that Pastor Garth Hanselman of the Spirit and Truth Worship Center in Egg Harbor City gave one time. It was a very simple battle cry. After we come to The Cross all that Disney nonsense that the world would have us believe about fathers and husbands should get wiped out. The Christian man is not the weak willed goof that Robin Williams might portray in a Disney movie. And yes I am referring to the Disney movie “RV”. I don’t know about you guy’s but I for one no longer have the desire to watch any movie that makes any man look like he has no clue how to be the spiritual head of his house. And to those ladies who have chosen to read my Freedom Fighters, I am not Al Bundy so hear me roar. With that outta the way here’s where I am going with this….
Man was given dominion. God had already given us this responsibility. Adam may have surrendered it and television may want to keep it that way but that was not God’s original plan for man. We are to reign in boldness like a king and worship boldly like a priest. That means we should use the rod with all the authority of a scepter but with the love of The Cross. Christian men need to rise up and begin to take their place in who we are. We have had the world walk up to us and poke in the chest and say, “so what are you going to do about that?” I believe that it is time that we poke back and say “The Lord rebukes you!!”
We need to show the world we can maintain our integrity and our fortitude. That we can walk what we say and say what we walk. The Christian man needs to remember that the very first thing that God said over us was, “And let them have dominion”. We need to take back the original charge that God put over us. We should not sit idly by and complain how bad it is out there when we were given the responsibility not to let it get this way in the first place.
This is what was running through my head this past Father’s Day. I looked back at what I remembered about my father while he was alive and then looked at myself as a father now. I believe that God has used me to make it better for my family…my children in particular. They are a constant reminder to me that in those times where I need to step up and be that king or be that priest that I can do it with Godly boldness and not with the boldness of Al Bundy. So I’ll say it again, I’m Not Al Bundy!! And I hope you’re not him either. This morning take time and ask Him to restore your boldness. Make it part of your rising up and your setting down. – Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a weekly Freedom Fighter blogger
Daily Bible Reading: Jeremiah 37-39; Matthew 27:1-26
Think About This: “True greatness is not recognition or popularity. Greatness is godliness. Greatness is obedience. Greatness is faithfulness. I am willing to go anywhere, to do anything, to be anything that God wants me to do or to be. I take my hands off my life, and say to Him, “No more telling You how to use me.” I want to lay it on the line. I want to make a difference. I’ll pay the price. Life is too short, and, at any moment, God may say, “Give Me back My breath.”—Crawford Loritts
This Week’s Verse to Memorize: You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11