For Our Paralleled Good
Posted on December 15, 2021 by Catey Stover in Freedom Fighters
“But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.”
Genesis 50:20 (NKJV)
During Memorial Day Weekend 2021 at Americas Keswick author and pastor, Robert J. Morgan, was the guest speaker and I missed every speaking session he gave. However, I would watch them on Facebook “not so live” later in the evening. Many friends of Keswick told me such good things they were gleaning from him that I wanted in on it. They were right and I still felt blessed.
I was deeply involved with Teen Ministry that weekend, so I was automatically given a pass. Apparently, many of our Keswick friends thought this a good thing because I would be such a “strong influence in teaching them Godly principles.” Truth be told…I’m just as, if not more so, mischievous than the teens. Maybe this is why they could relate to me, after all, I never confessed to be all grown up. Anyway…
A couple that has grown a special place in my heart, Doug and Marty Murtoff, told me that I oughta get Pastor Morgan’s Book, “100 Bible Verses that Made America.” Well by the time I got my chance to even catch a glimpse of the guy in person this book was GONE!!! HMPH!! Then I saw him on Fox News talking about the book sometime later. DOUBLE HMPH!! Anyway, I settled for a copy of another book he wrote titled, “God Works All Things Together For Your Good.” Let me share a favorite moment from it.
In chapter 12, Pastor Morgan examines the life of Joseph, you know, the guy with the techno-colored coat. It’s all based in something we find the apostle Paul writing about in the Book of Romans. See if this verse sounds familiar to you…
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” — Romans 8:28
Maybe you’ve heard sermons that saw this parallel as well but as for me, I didn’t connect Genesis 50:20 to Romans 8:28 until now. Some of us already know that Genesis chapters 37-50 contains the life of Joseph. Pastor Morgan puts it like this, “…the Lord gave us Joseph as an early case study of the overruling power of His divine providence for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” With that we’ll see that Joseph goes from the pasture to the pit, from the pit to the prison, and from the prison to the palace.
It might all seem like a Biblical Cinderella story at first, but God really wants us to see that it’s His sovereignty and providence over our lives and not some wand waving fairy godmother who makes us glass slippers to show off. After all, we all can see how that techno-colored coat that Jacob gave Joseph affected the fragile ego of a tattle-tale. It wasn’t like Joseph was saying, “Thank God, they finally threw me into this pit. Boy, if they only knew God’s plan for my life, they’da thought twice. But wait till we all get to Egypt, that’s where I’ll show them who’s da boss!” On the contrary he begged for his life. You can see that in Genesis 42:21, “—we saw how terrified he was when he was begging us for mercy. We wouldn’t listen to him and now we’re the ones in trouble.” (MSG)
Nothing goes to waste when it comes to Kingdom principles. The life of Joseph contains so much doctrine and theology that it would a shame to miss it. All those intersecting moments where at one moment he’s the number son to a moment where he’s pleading for his life in a pit. One moment he’s honoring YHVH by fleeing from a lustful woman to another where he’s in prison. One moment he’s interpreting dreams for Pharoah to a moment where he has become Prime Minister. It’s what he does in this moment that God’s sovereignty and providence shows itself for all to see. Grace and mercy extended even though the worst of circumstances happened to Joseph.
Sometimes we miss out on seeing the paralleled good that occurs when Romans 8:28 comes true in our lives. For me, coming to Christ after years of resisting has led me to a better life to the glory of God BUT my wife and children have been blessed through the process. Maybe that has happened for you in some way. You accepted the salvation freely given by God and others around got blessed as well.
I might have missed out on Pastor Morgan’s sessions that weekend but I got to know some pretty amazing teens through the process. I hope that something similar happens for you because ALL things work for our good when the hand of God is involved. Amen?
Written by Chris Hughes: Chris is a husband, a father, has an education in Biblical doctrine and is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy. He has been a Freedom Fighter contributor since 2008. You can e-mail at
Think About This: “The world and the devil may spoil our comforts, our dreams, our wherewithal, and our apparent well-being, but they can’t pry us from the invisible hand of God’s constant care.” – Robert J. Morgan
The Daily Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 12 | You can download our 2021 Daily Bible Reading Plan by clicking here.
This Week’s Verse to Memorize: Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we [l]may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. 29 For our God is a consuming fire.- Hebrews 12:28-29