Do I Trust God or Science?
Posted on October 31, 2019 by America's Keswick in Freedom Fighters
Do I trust God or science?
This question assumes a common logical error designated as “The Fallacy of the False Dichotomy.”
The assumption is that science and God are in opposition. The reason for this error is a failure to recognize the limitations of metaphysics and the limitations of the scope and boundary of science.
Divinity is a concept in the domain of theology which studies supernatural phenomena. Science is the research of natural phenomena. Science is not a research of supernatural phenomena.
As a result of this misunderstanding there is an errant conclusion which supposes science to be a theological doctrine, and which also assumes theology to be a scientific theory. It should be recognized that there is no credible either/or relationship between conceptions of divinity and conceptions of natural phenomena.
Therefore, a “trust” of science is not a distrust of theology, and a “trust” of science is not equivalent of a distrust of a theology.
Do I trust the Bible or science?
First, they are not functioning in the realms. The Bible functions in the realm of faith and the metaphysical and deals with the supernatural. Science functions in the realm of natural phenomena and can be proven in a laboratory. God and science are not in opposition. However, many times science needs to catch up to God.
Second, when the Bible speaks of the physical realm, trust the Bible for truth which never changes. It has never been proven to be inaccurate once all of the facts are known, although it has been questioned repeatedly. When science deals in the realm of faith it has been proven incorrect over and over again and changes over time as more discoveries are made. Faith cannot be proven or disproven in a laboratory.
For example, the Bible speaks of a 7-day creation. Are they 24- hour days or lengthy epochs of time? Neither can be proven in the laboratory, therefore trust the Bible. (The Creation Museum in Kentucky makes a great case for literal 24-hour days; taking on science; but again, it cannot be proven.)
The vast majority of scientists who question the Bible do not know the Bible. They know what they have been told about the Bible. The story of Jonah is a great example. Science says there is no whale capable of swallowing a man who could survive 3 days in its stomach. But the Bible says, “the Lord prepared a great fish” (Jonah 1:17). This was one of the miracles of the Old Testament. It was not a whale as we know whales. Further, marine scientists say there are presently three species of marine life which could: a sperm whale, a large killer whale and a great white shark.
I read a lengthy article by a geologist who began as a fundamentalist/creationist but, after study and examining the “facts”, totally reversed his opinion. He told of two classmates whom he admires and of whom he asked how they can be creationists? Here are his words in answer to that question: “I asked them how they could remain creationists at this point given that they were fantastic geologists and very smart people. Their answer was succinct and surprisingly good, and can be summarized as follows: ‘I know what science and all of the research says. I’ve seen it all, I’ve looked at it all and I’ve produced some of those results myself. I’m aware. But the Bible says something else and I choose to believe that. It’s not a matter of proof, it’s a matter of faith.’”
Scientists will not admit to their use of faith in the laboratory. Time and facts show otherwise. Science does change its mind.
Comments from Dave Ruquoi: One of my mom’s friends from Yale, Francis Collins, wrote a book titled, “The Language of God.” When it comes to “scientific chops,” few can challenge this guys credentials ( Though I’ve not yet read his book, my understanding is (and I’ve heard him say this) that he gets questioned by his scientific friends how he can justify his faith as a Christian. On the other hand, his Christian community questions him on how he holds his scientific positions, given his faith. Francis asserts, with his typical smile and charm, that the more he learns about God, the more he learns about science. And the more he learns about science, the more he learns about God. He sees no conflict in that which is truly worthy of a strong position, much like your article.
Written By Neil Fichthorn: Rev. Neil Fichthorn is a seasoned conference and camping servant having served at Gull Lake Bible Conference, Sandy Cove Ministries as President, and an interim Executive Director at Pinebrook Bible Conference. He also served in church music for decades as a choir director and arranger. He has been Bill Welte’s mentor and friend for over 45 years.
Think About This: Everything science has taught me – and continues to teach me – strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death. Nothing disappears without a trace. – Assorted Authors
The Daily Bible Reading: Samuel 16-18, 1 John 5| You can download our 2019 Daily Bible Reading Plan by clicking here
This Week’s Verse to Memorize: But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all Your works. – Psalm 73:28
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the doctrinal and theological views held by America’s Keswick.