Caring Without Quitting on the Path to Victory
Posted on March 12, 2015 by Graeme Wilson in Freedom Fighters
Tonight is our Men’s Fellowship Night with Colony grad, Pastor Stephen Keith sharing God’s Word. Check out the link for details. Come bring a friend and enjoy a great night of great food, fellowship, worship, Bible teaching and fun.Caring Without Quitting on the Path to Victory
And they come unto Him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four. (Mark 2: 3-12 KJV)
The path to victory is not always easy and often it is not well-marked. Neither are the obstacles in that path clearly identified. Consider the story of these four who were determined to get the one with palsy to Jesus. They had a noble and unselfish objective. They soon learned that the path to that victory would not be easy. In fact, they soon learned that the obstacles would come from different sources, different attitudes and different situations. That is why I often refer to this story as the story of those who care and will not quit. It is the story of experiencing victory in our pursuit of it. It is the story of simply not quitting on the Path To Victory. Here are some significant lessons for us all as we take that journey.
The four cared and they did not quit because the job was too small. They came to Christ bringing one. They were dealing with only one. Yet they did not turn from the small opportunity in order to demand a more prestigious responsibility.
Neither did they quit because the need was so great. This one had palsy. That is no easy problem with which to deal. They did not quit when they encountered the obstacle of the uncaring. The crowd of the curious had no understanding of the compassion of the caring . They cluttered the path to victory.
They did not quit when they encountered the obstacle of physical barriers. The door may have been blocked but they saw that the roof was available. You know the story. When the four could not get the one to Jesus because the crowd blocked the door, they uncovered the roof. That is just one explanation of why victory belongs to those who see beyond the obstacles and focus on the opportunities.
Neither did the four quit when they encountered the criticism of the uncaring. They were sitting there (v. 6 ). Criticism generally comes from those who sit. Victory comes for those who know how to handle the path to it. And Jesus clearly identified the path to such victory when He saw their faith (v. 5). … And this is the victory that has overcome the world— our faith (1 John 5: 4b). Dr. Robert L. Alderman is minister-at-large at Shenandoah Baptist Church in Roanoke, VA and a popular speaker at America’s Keswick
Keswick, America’s (2012-12-13). Real Victory for Real Life Volume 2 (Kindle Locations 3261-3295). . Kindle Edition.
Daily Bible Reading: Job 17-19; 1 Corinthians 7:1-19
Think About This: We must never lose the awe of God. To see Him is to carry a sense of wonder and dread, amazement and respect, worship and fear. The thought of coming into the presence of God should leave us speechless. Roy Lesin
This Week’s Verse to Memorize: But as for me, I will walk in my integrity;
Redeem me and be merciful to me. Psalm 26:11