A Whirlwind of Secrets
Posted on June 28, 2016 by America's Keswick in Freedom Fighters

“The LORD our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that He has revealed to us, so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions.” ~Deuteronomy 29:29 (NLT)
I am completely confident in making this statement, “There are just some things in God’s Kingdom that ain’t none of my business.” I got my times where I don’t like falling back on this statement but ultimately, when things aren’t going MY WAY, this ends up being all I got. Even though we are living in a world where all you have to do is “Google” something to find out the what, why, when, where and how of things there are times when it comes to matters that are actually unseen that I feel YHVH keeps them veiled for our own good. All though Moses may have gotten his glimpse of YHVH even he had to settle with what he got, then he had to wear a veil.
Every so often my wife, Kathy, will e-mail me a devotional she read from www.icr.org. On this one particular day she sent one titled “The Secret Things” and in her body of text she wrote, with caps locked, “YOUR FAV VERSE”. This verse is my go-to when during Bible study a question arises that gets more of guess for an answer than an exact true one. I’ll pretty much say, “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.” (Deut 29:29)
The part of this devotional that bears repeating is this… “In recognition of the limitations of humankind, Moses wrote in our text that there are certain things known only to God, which He has veiled—things which cannot be understood by the human mind—things which He simply chooses to keep to Himself. But he goes on to say that He has revealed certain things to us, and these things we must obey. Consequently, our text consists of a great principle of life: We must do what we know to do. We don’t know everything, but we must act responsibly and properly on that which He has told us, leaving the “secret things” and their consequences to God. Elsewhere, He promises that even the secret things will “work together for good to them that love God” (Romans 8:28)—in His sovereign plan. We must obey, doing what we know to do, and leave the results with Him.”
So often our own impatience for the future to finally get here will lead us into doing things with consequences that carry on, and on, and on, and on…like Abram, Hagar and Sarai did way back in them Old Testament days. To this day we are seeing the end results of what it looks like when Abram, Hagar and Sarai did not act responsibly and properly on that which He has told us. We see this being played out on the world stage daily and many nations are involved, entrenched and wanting to get to a peaceful solution that is still yet undetermined.
Even in the book of Job, we read about 35 chapters worth of guessing the motives of YHVH until we finally get to a whirlwind and an announcement of, “Who is this who darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Now prepare yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer Me.” (Job 38:2-3) Not too sure I would have wanted to be around for that one!
In “The Pursuit of God” Tozer made this observation, “Much of our difficulty as seeking Christians stems from our unwillingness to take God as He is and adjust our lives accordingly. We insist upon trying to modify Him and to bring Him nearer to our own image.” If I take this and apply it to my own questioning of what YHVH’s will is for my life I come to one conclusion… “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law” and in this bit of knowledge I should act responsibly and properly on that which He has told me. How about you? Are you content with what He was told you? If so, great! If not…look out for those whirlwinds. They have questions for you and you may not have the answers at all. Amen?
Written by Chris Hughes: Chris, a graduate of The Colony of Mercy (11-2003) is married (Kathy) with two adult children (Kevin and Karen) and serves on the Deacon Board at Trinity Alliance Church in Cologne NJ
The Daily Bible Reading: Psalm 27; Proverbs 28
Daily Quote: “We are forbidden curiously to inquire into the secret counsels of God, and to determine concerning them. But we are directed and encouraged, diligently to seek into that which God has made known. He has kept back nothing that is profitable for us, but only that of which it is good for us to be ignorant.” —Matthew Henry
This Week’s Verse to Memorize:
So the ransomed of the Lord shall return,
And come to Zion with singing,
With everlasting joy on their heads.
They shall obtain joy and gladness;
Sorrow and sighing shall flee away. ~Isaiah 51:11