Discovering Victory Podcast – 2016 January Edition

Posted on January 4, 2016 by Graeme Wilson in Discovering Victory

Thank you for joining us this month on our Discovering Victory Podcast. 2015 has been a year for the history books, and we are so excited to see what God will bring for 2016. This month, we’re featuring a message from Georgia Shaffer. Georgia was this year’s “Fall Singles Weekend” speaker and we were blown away by her message series.

As you view this podcast, you’ll hear Georgia speak on a variety of different topics. You’ll learn more about avoiding sin in your own personal life and you’ll learn what to do when you’re feeling as though you’ve been “put on the shelf” in your Christian walk. Your podcast hosts, Dr. Bill Welte and Graeme Wilson will dig deeper into these areas as we walk through this message together.

If this message was a blessing to you we hope you’ll “like” and “share” this podcast with your friends and family. Thank you and God bless!

Podcast Hosts:

Podcast Speaker:

Georiga Shaffer

Georgia is an author, a Christian life coach, inspirational speaker and licensed psychologist in Pennsylvania. Her warmth, passion and full-of-life personality will enable you to:

  • Recognize ways you could be undermining your relationships.
  • Handle life’s up and downs more easily.
  • Introduce more energy, peace, and joy into your life.
  • Reduce destructive anxiety, fear, guilt, and shame.

For more information about Georgia visit her website at

Show Notes:

CLICK HERE to visiting our 2016 Bible Reading Plan resource page

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Consider a retreat at America’s Keswick retreat center.


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