Potty Mouth!

Posted on April 18, 2017 by Graeme Wilson in Victory Call

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Eph. 4:29-30

Foul, sarcastic, slanderous words come from ones heart. I sent a text last night that I thought in the moment was pretty clever and funny… but within a very short time, I knew it wasn’t and that I should apologize. I did that and the response was, “Oh, no problem, I actually never read it.” That’s not the point though, it wasn’t right. God was “letting” it bother me so that next time there wouldn’t be a next time.
Thankful for HIM,
Dina Seaton has served on staff for 15 years, currently in Partner Care. She is a proud Air Force mom and loves spending time with her son wherever he is, near or far. He is truly her greatest joy.  Dina came to Christ in 2000. She loves God and wants to love Him more!

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