For Such a Time as THIS?
Posted on March 23, 2020 by Catey Stover in Victory Call

As you all know, the world right now is kind of in a state of disarray. There are a lot of unknowns, and that can be frightening. Our normal everyday routines are being thrown off, schools are closed, we can’t run errands as normal, and people are becoming very, very sick. Our human, fleshly nature tells us it’s a time to panic and worry. But what does God tell us?
The circumstances we are in right now as Christians remind me a lot of Esther. She was thrown into a situation where her surroundings were crumbling and she had to ACT. Her options were to either sit back, panic, and worry, or act boldly in faith and follow what God was calling her to do.
In Esther 4:14, Mordecai reminds Esther, “For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
Esther could have responded in fear, but instead, she responded in faith.
God is calling us to remain calm and trust HIM during this time. He wants us, as followers of Jesus, to set an example to the world of how to act when a crisis hits. How can we respond like Jesus in a time such as this? First, we can stop adding to the hysteria. We don’t have to engage in unnecessary drama while still being smart and taking the right precautions (my boss taught me that one). Another way is by helping those around us. My friend Krista, who is always the first person who comes to my mind when I think of showing love to others, brought coffee and cookies to her neighbors and left them in their mailboxes. We can pray for those affected by this virus whether they are sick, their business shut down, or they’re anxious by what’s going on around us.
As Christians, we were made for such a time as this. We are called to act in such a time as this. We are called to trust in such a time as this.
Written by Catey Stover: Catey Stover serves as the Marketing Assistant at America’s Keswick. She loves the Lord and has a heart for serving others, especially the next generation.
Think About This: “I will put my trust in You alone and I will not be shaken” – Build My Life, Housefires
The Daily Bible Reading: 1 Kings 5-9| You can download our 2020 Daily Bible Reading Plan by clicking here.
This Week’s Verse to Memorize: For as the heavens are high above the earth, So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him; 12 As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us. –Psalm 103:11-12
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the doctrinal and theological views held by America’s Keswick.