
Posted on February 26, 2015 by Graeme Wilson in Victory Call

A recent Facebook post from Pastor Tim Shorey caught my eye:
“Saw something amazing today. A guy whose life is encountering massive change, huge disappointment, real loss, and a confusing future. There were tears but there was a fighting for faith and resolve to keep his eyes on the Father. Nothing fake. No clichés. Just real faith in a fallen world. Proud to call him ‘brother’.”

As my heart and prayers go out to this man I do not know, Pastor Tim’s phrase “fighting for faith” struck me. Faith is easy when things are smooth sailing. It is easy to believe there is a gracious and good God when life is good and things are going our way. But, in every person’s life, there are trials, difficulties, tragedy, suffering, sadness, unknown futures, and unwanted news. It may be due to ill health, death, wayward children, rebellion, financial setbacks, bankruptcy, divorce, affairs, fear, pain, loss, and the list goes on and on.

In THOSE moments faith is not so easy. Though we know in our heads that God is good and gracious, in the midst of our pain Satan is putting forth his best effort to rip our faith away. Some days, or even weeks or months, we have to fight for faith. Fight with all that is within us to keep believing God is good, gracious, faithful, kind, sovereign, purposeful, loving and ever present.

In saying we must fight with all that is within us I know it is not only our fight but also the fight of the Holy Spirit Who never leaves us to fight alone. When the tunnel is dark and you, with outstretched neck, are straining to see the light at the end of the tunnel, be assured the Light is not at the end of the tunnel but with you in the tunnel. Fight to BELIEVE it is true when all you SEE is darkness.

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6

I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?
My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth
. Psalm 121:1-2

Fight, sister, fight for real faith in a fallen world.

Blessings, Diane

Diane Hunt is part of the Development and Addiction Recovery teams at America’s Keswick. In addition to being a Biblical Counselor, she is a Women’s speaker for retreats, conferences and events. She is a regular writer for Victory Call and one of the authors of Crossing the Jordan Bible Study. She has been married to her husband John for 30 years. She has 2 adult children, 4 grandchildren, 3 adult step-children with 7 grandchildren making 11 in all. She delights in reading and teaching, but mostly in laughing at the funny things her grandchildren say and do.

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