“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25
It has become extremely easier to do certain projects by accessing YouTube and other instructional videos and written instruction. It can be as simple as pulling up a video, gaining information, and then proceeding to accomplish the task. The scripture, Galatians 5:25, “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” is probably a familiar one, but sometimes I wish there were a YouTube video to explain how that is done. The preceding verses explain the difference between the “works of the flesh” and the “fruit of the Spirit”.
The precepts in the letter to the Galatians seems to be addressing a moral issue, flesh vs Spirit. But I do not think God just wants us to be good boys and behave ourselves. The idea of “Fed, Led, Ped” is to be fed God’s word, to be led by His Spirit, and then to ped, or walk in that Spirit to accomplish the will of God. Actions speak louder than words, the issue is are our actions led by the flesh or Spirit? I believe the joy of the Lord comes when we not only live good, moral lives, but when we are actively participating in the work God is doing around us.
I can remember God using people in my life to minister to me at just the right time. I sometimes questioned why they would think to do something like that. Their answer was always, “I felt led to do it”. “felt led”? Led by what? Or whom? “The Spirit” they would say, they said, “I was reading my Bible this morning, and I felt led by God to do this, so I did”. “Fed, Led, Ped”, there you have it. Ask anyone who serves the Lord gladly, they will tell you the same, “I was led after I read so then I ped”.
This does not mean everyone that says they serve God are doing it in the Spirit. That’s why the order of “Fed, Led, Ped” is so important. When God’s word confirms who He is and then we understand who we are, the Fruit of the Spirit then produces good works. “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them”, Ephesians 2:10.
So, don’t get it twisted, “Fed, Led, Ped” your way through life and let the Joy of the Lord be your strength, Amen!
Written By Rob Russomano: Rob Russomano is married to Terri and serves with her as full-time staff members. He is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and is available as a speaker of the grace of God with a message of Hope for church events. You can reach him at rrussomano@americaskeswick.org