Discovering Victory Podcast | May 2016 Edition
Posted on May 5, 2016 by Graeme Wilson in Discovering Victory

Discovering Victory Podcast | May 2016 Edition
Thank you for joining us for the May Edition of our Discovering Victory Podcast. During this podcast, you’ll hear Graeme Wilson and Dr. Bill Welte dive into a powerful message from Dr. Tony Hart.
Dr. Hart is a dear brother and pastor from Montco Bible Fellowship Church. We have a great history with Dr. Hart and his family – both his dad and his uncle have preached at America’s Keswick for many years. He is a great Bible expositor and teaches Scripture in a very practical way.
This month’s teaching begins in John chapter 13. We see Peter and his excitement in being a follower of God, but without true understanding of the realities, cost, and seriousness of what being a disciple of Jesus truly means.
Listen as we learn more about true discipleship, how to approach today’s current culture wars, and the true hope that comes from being a disciple of Jesus.
We hope this month’s podcast was a blessing to you! If you enjoyed Dr. Tony Hart’s message, be sure to join us this summer at America’s Keswick to hear more!
Please email your questions to
If this message was a blessing to you we hope you’ll “like” and “share” this podcast with your friends and family. Thank you and God bless!
Podcast Hosts:
- Graeme Wilson, Director of Marketing |
- Dr. Bill Welte, President & CEO |
Podcast Speaker:
Dr. Tony Hart, Senior Pastor of Montco Bible Fellowship Church