How Strong is your Anchor

Posted on July 5, 2018 by America's Keswick in Victory Call

I thought the summer is a good time to talk about storms and anchors. Now just to be clear – I’m not a big boating person, but my Dad had a few boats and we would go out on it. So what I do know about boats is that it has an anchor. The anchor is to keep the boat from drifting when you are fishing or just enjoying the day on the water. Now sometimes the water can be rough, but if your anchor is secure then the boat may rock but it will stay where you want it. It’s the same in our Christian life. We all will have storms (trials, tests, temptations) but if our anchor, our faith in Jesus, is strong we may rock a little but we will not be shaken.

It is always easy to say that our faith is strong when life is good, calm, and everything is going our way. But the true test is when the storms of life happen. Is our faith in Jesus as strong as we think? Are we anchored to Him and able to whether the storms of life?

Drawing close to Him in our quiet time and staying in His word is a great way to be assured that we will hold fast to Jesus our anchor when the storms of life hit. Jesus is our anchor!!

Written by Robbin Weinhardt: Robbin Weinhardt is a Part-Time Dining Room hostess and a Women of Character graduate. She is married to Ray Weinhardt, who works in our kitchen and is a Colony of Mercy Graduate.

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