God Equips the Called
Posted on January 10, 2018 by Graeme Wilson in Victory Call

Have you ever been asked to do something that you feel is beyond your expertise? It has happened a few times throughout my life. I love to teach, but one year I was asked to teach Sunday School in Spanish. I thought that there was no way I could teach in Spanish, but feeling that was what God wanted me to do, I did it with His help. Then, to stretch me more, I was asked to teach a Sunday School workshop. Yes, in Spanish. I really wrestled with that one, but God helped me again. It was a good thing I listened to God, because soon afterward, they were teaching the classes.
Now, a new challenge has come my way, to write for the Victory Call blogs. At first, I was again saying, “I cannot do that.” But God said, “You can do it with My help.” It reminds me of Moses when God told him to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt (Exodus 3, 4). He had so many excuses, but it came down to God saying, “Who made you? I will be with you and help you accomplish what I set before you.”
So, when an opportunity of ministry comes to us, we have a choice. Will we say, “no” and miss the opportunity and all the blessings? Or, will we say, “Yes” in obedience and see how God will use us for His glory?
Denise Zambrano
Written by Denise Zambrano: Denise loves to teach the Bible and sing. She teaches a women’s Bible study and a high school Sunday School class. Along with her daughter, Linda, she is an advocate at A Baby’s Breath (a crisis pregnancy center). She loves being a grandmother to Tim, Becky, Alexander and William (who is with Jesus). She was a missionary with Radio Station HCJB in Quito, Ecuador for 35 years.