Rejoice! Pray! Give Thanks! (Part 2)
Posted on July 10, 2017 by Graeme Wilson in Freedom Fighters

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
I had a friend who used to say, “Some Christians look so sour that it is like they sucked up pickle juice in their noses with a straw.”
Well I know that is gross, but how true. You’ve been around them. No matter what good is going on around them, they are just plain miserable. They don’t even have to say anything – you can see it written all over their faces.
Welcome to this new week of Freedom Fighter blogs. I am rejoicing today that you give us a few minutes of your day to encourage you to walk in victory.
The word “rejoice” is a word that is used 238 times in the Bible. I guess that means it’s something worth looking at. Here is a quick synopsis of what I gleaned:
- Rejoice about God’s goodness
- Rejoice with you and your entire household
- Rejoice when you bring your sacrifices
- Rejoice as you celebrate and worship
- Rejoice with fear and trembling
- Rejoice over our salvation
- Rejoicing comes from the heart
- Rejoice regarding His mercy
- Rejoice over righteousness
- Rejoice in adversity
- Rejoice in His name
- Rejoice in His Word
- Rejoice with the wife of our youth
- Rejoice when something lost is found
- Rejoice when a sinner repents
- Rejoice in hope
- Rejoice in truth
- Rejoice in suffering
- Rejoice when your children are walking in the truth
Several years ago, I went to the movies with several of our staff guys. We went to a 3D movie and when I got into the theater, the image on the screen was blurry with my 3D glasses.
I went to the manager to fuss over the blurry image. 3D movies cost more than the regular ones. He asked me which theater I was in and he said he would check it out.
When I went back in, it was still blurry – so now I was ticked. So I grabbed my glasses and started back to give him the what for. And on top of that two of the guys 3D glasses were busted.
Just as I was walking through the door, I looked down at the two broken pairs of glasses and saw these words written on them: 3D Glasses. Mine had these words: Polaroid! Ouch. My 3D glasses where tucked in my shirt pocket. I had never put them on.
I thought about that later. Isn’t that how some of us deal with life? When we look at life through the wrong lenses it totally distorts our perception and how we see.
If you are not rejoicing always or practicing rejoicing in the ways listed above, life really will be miserable, unhappy, and guess what – your lack of joy will rub off on others and you will become a joy robber vs. a joy giver.
Paul’s exhortation doesn’t give us much wiggle room: Rejoice most times? Rejoice some time? Rejoice when everything is going my way? Nope. It’s pretty straightforward = ALWAYS!!!
How are you doing in this area of your life? Are you a joy-robber or a joy-giver?
Rejoice! Pray! Give thanks!
Bill Welte, D.D.
President/CEO of America’s Keswick
Written by Dr. Bill Welte, President/CEO of America’s Keswick: Bill has been married to his child sweetheart for 40+ years, and has three married kids, one that is engaged, and 11 amazing grand kids. He loves music and is an avid reader.
The Daily Bible Reading: Leviticus 10-12| You can download our 2017 Daily Bible Reading Plan by clicking here
Think About This: Joy is the gigantic secret of Christians. G. K. Chesterton
This Week’s Verse to Memorize:
“Hear a just cause, O Lord, Attend to my cry; Give ear to my prayer which is not from deceitful lips.” Psalm 17:1