Posted on December 16, 2015 by America's Keswick in Freedom Fighters
“And that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” ~1 Chronicles 4:10b
How many times have I heard someone say “But I never meant to hurt anyone”. I guess it echoes in my mind because of the times I’ve said it myself. Too often we set out meaning well only to look back and see a road of destruction.
This time of year is a very difficult time for a lot of people because of damaged relationships, thinking back on those we were once so close to but now have been estranged from because of a bad series of circumstances.
In this short but powerful prayer of Jabez we see an earnest desire to move forward with the blessing of God for the remainder of his life to be used for good. His story is a mystery but it should provide hope for all that read it. I like that all the details of his previous life are left out, it’s as if we could attach our own story to this realization that from here on in we want God to direct our path. Able to set aside our own understanding that Proverbs 3 tells us not to lean on and acknowledge Him.
I think for me the key to being fruitful and using the gifts God has given me is to filter my intentions thru love. In Ephesians 5 we read “Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma”. That is to bring the message of Christ with a life giving meaning instead of a life threatening attack.
At this time of year we should ponder the Gift given by God for our hope and salvation, let’s get a fresh perspective on the rest of our lives and maybe refocus and live with purpose, directed by God, blessed by Him, giving us opportunity to serve with His hand upon us, keeping a godly perspective and being sensitive to the leading of His Spirit, that we would do good and not evil trusting that when our desires are aligned with God’s He will grant our request.
Written by Rob Russomano. Rob is full-time staff member and will be celebrating 16 years of walking in Victory because of what God did while at the Colony of Mercy.
The Daily Bible Reading: Josh. 16-18, Luke 17:20-37
Think About This: “God’s Word transforms you into someone who reflects His glory.” ~Elizabeth George
This Week’s Verse to Memorize: As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him ~Psalm 18:30