“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,” Philippians 2:3 NIV
News and social media have covered many life changing events over the last few months. During these latest events, I notice that individuals naturally get entangled and began to formulate various opinions. Commonly, believers and non-believers get themselves interwoven in many affairs that don’t help the situation but add to the already wreckage.
Out of our infinite resources in Christ; are we resting in the peace of God?
Having healthy relationships or dealing with conflicts with others ought to be a direct reflection the reasonableness of God. “Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand” (Philippians 4:5). This decree extends even when we a have huge disagreements. When we engage with others, do we consider thought, issues, concerns, heart, walk with Christ, above ourselves?
Compromise in the Christian circles gets a bad rap, but it can be essential to making peace with one another. Here are some synonyms to consider as we deal with each other – are we agreeable, understanding, resolved, middle grounded, balanced, participating give and take, conceding, and cooperative?
As we operate in wisdom, take initiative to be more intenative to others and speak the truth in love, with humility.
Written by Juan Mendez: Juan is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and now serves as the Colony of Mercy Program Administrator at America’s Keswick. He is married to Diera Mendez who serves in Barbara’s Place and has four children – Juan Jr., Olivia, Sage, and Orlando
Think About This: “Have you been asking God what He is going to do? He will never tell you. God does not tell you what he is going to do—He reveals to you who He is.” – Oswald Chambers
The Daily Bible Reading: Matthew 4 | You can download our 2021 Daily Bible Reading Plan by clicking here.