Discovering Victory Podcast – September 2015 Edition
Posted on September 1, 2015 by Graeme Wilson in Discovering Victory
Discovering Victory is now on YouTube!
This month’s teaching is from Dr. Phil Tuttle, President of Walk Thru the Bible. During this summer season, “Dr. Phil” shared a very unique and powerful series called “Chosen: When God Calls Your Name” which centers around the story of Mary. In this message, Dr. Phil talks about some of the blessings and challeneges Mary and Joseph dealt with as parents to Jesus Christ and we know you’ll be blessed by this message and series. We hope this podcast will be a blessing to you. Be sure to share your feedback with us either on our YouTube channel or email us at Thank you and God bless!
Podcast Speaker:
Dr. Phil Tuttle, President of Walk Thru the Bible
Podcast Hosts:
Graeme Wilson, Director of Marketing |
Dr. Bill Welte, President & CEO |
Show Notes:
to visiting our Praying Courageously resource page
to information about our upcoming Anniversary Banquet series
to view the complete series of “Chosen: When God Calls Your Name” from Dr. Phil Tuttle